Today’s authentication requirements go way beyond hooking into a database or directory and challenging every user and service for an Id and password.  Authentication and the login experience, is the application entry point and can make or break your security posture and end user experience.  Authentication is typically associated with identifying, to a certain degree of assurance, […]
Schools out for summer?  Well not quite.  Unless you’re living in the east coast of Australia, it’s looking decidedly bleak weather wise for most of Europe and the American east coast.  But I digress.  Is it looking bleak for your digital identity driven projects?  What’s been a success, where are we heading and what should […]
Welcome to a digital identity project in 2020! You’ll be expected to have a plan for post-quantum cryptography.  Your network will be littered with “zero trust” buzz words, that will make you suspect everyone, everything and every transaction.  Add to that, “machines” will be learning everything, from how you like your coffee, through to every […]
2016 is drawing to an end, the goose is getting fat, the lights and decorations are adorning many a fire place and other such cold weather cliches.  However, the attention must turn back to identity management and what the future may or may not hold. Digital identity or consumer based identity and access management (CIAM) […]
It’s that time of year again, when the retrospective and predictive blogs come out of the closet, just before the Christmas festivities begin.  This time last year, the 2015 predictions were an interesting selection of both consumer and enterprise challenges, with a focus on: Customer Identity Management The start of IoT security awareness Reduced Passwords on […]