Assessment and Advisory for Cyber Security and IAM Solution Providers

Receive voice of the customer, use case analysis and market positioning support to help product integration and improve client value. 

The What

Iterative analysis, comment and feedback on pitch and position, product demonstration and go to market strategy.

The Benefits

Independent expert comment on product fit. Voice of the customer understanding with respect to problem scope and narrative. Improved understanding of market knowledge and position.

The How: Timeline and Process

The Cyber Hut are industry experts with respect to identity, access and cyber security technology and market intelligence. Through interactive and iterative workshops we can provide impartial expert strategic advisory services.

Pitch & Position

The vendor delivers a 60 minute pitch and position regarding their solution – using a zero-knowledge narrative, treating The Cyber Hut as a potential prospect.

The Cyber Hut will analyse language, content, technology description and problem statements as they pertain to the broader identity and access management space.

Product Demonstration

The vendor will deliver a 60 minute product technology demonstration.  This remote session will showcase technology configuration and use, describing capabilities, use cases and future vision.

The Cyber Hut will analyse technical capabilities, integrations, challenges and benefits with respect to the solution and how it aligns with industry trends and needs.

Information Collection – OSINT

The Cyber Hut will use various OSINT (open source intelligence) methods to understand the natural capabilities and narrative the solution provider is emitting online.  This could include case studies, data sheets, videos and product reviews.

This helps The Cyber Hut understand the backstory and market position the vendor is looking to achieve.

Feedback Material

The Cyber Hut will deliver multiple presentations with feedback and critical thinking with respect to pitch and demonstration.

This material helps provide a detailed commentary and direction for a final workshop.

Final Workshop

The final stage of the process will see a workshop between The Cyber Hut and the vendor to discuss the presented feedback.

This session helps expand on concepts such as market position, use case fulfilment, persona mapping and problem statement analysis.

Engage Vendor Strategy Advisory Services

Vendor Advisory
£ Contact
  • Voice of Customer
  • Pitch Feedback
  • Demo Feedback
  • Use Case Analysis
  • Market Alignment

Available in PAYG and retained advisory models