Educate -> Enable -> Empower

Online, Self-paced, Masterclass and Custom Training

The Cyber Hut provides a range of industry support resources to help break down the complexities of the broader identity and access management industry.

Online & Self Paced

The Cyber Hut partners with the Teachable Learning Platform, to provide a range of immersive online learning experiences.

Professionally Recorded Video Content

Each lecture is professionally recorded, with clear audio and video, with specialist lectures using bite sized video, that can be accessed from a range of device types.

Downloadable Lecture Material

The material for each lecture is downloadable in PDF format for offline reading and annotation.

Self Paced & Progressive

Learn at your own pace, on a device of your choosing – with the ability to rewind and relearn.

Live Remote Masterclasses

The Cyber Hut delivers live multi-day masterclass events, with specialist presenters, vendors and guest speakers, providing an interactive workshop experience.

Online and Remote

Remote access allows candidates from a range of locations to participate in an interactive setting – allowing consultants and practitioners to be more productive.

Vendor Demonstrations

Representatives from vendors in particular identity and access management domains often attend live masterclass events, to provide demonstrations of their latest technology – see pragmatic examples of theory in action.


Masterclass events provide a forum for interactive discussion – be it project planning, survey’s and polls or general networking.

Custom On Site Training

The Cyber Hut can deliver existing or custom training in a private, onsite setting – allowing a multi-day deep dive experience for both consultancy and in-house practitioners.

Onsite and Private

Delivered at your premises, custom training allows a more private and convenient experience.

Project Planning

Custom training can often be used to turn theory into practice – with discussion focused around existing projects and solutions in-flight.

Custom and Focused

Training can be customised to focused on specific areas of concern, industry knowledge or live project issues.

Our Identity and Access Management Training Solutions

The Cyber Hut provides a range of specialist identity and access management training for enterprise architects, digital leaders, security consultants and identity leads.

Consumer Identity design & management
– available now

Learn how to design secure and usable systems for consumers and citizens – including business planning and technical life cycle.

authentication design & management
– available now

Learn the building blocks of single factor, multi-factor, biometric and strong authentication, metrics, design and implementation.

identity for
zero trust
– coming soon

Based on the NIST 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture and the US DoD Reference Architecture.  Learn how more security relies on IAM.

Risk & threat management for iam
– coming soon

Discover and analyse threat and apply risk management frameworks to both B2E and B2C identity ecocystems to improve security.