Ping Identity recently filed their SEC 10K for the fiscal year ending December 31st 2019. The below figures and quotes are all taken from the March 2020 filing, unless otherwise stated. Ping is a leading digital identity provider, whose stated mission is to “secure the digital world through Intelligent Identity.” Ping Identity is pioneering Intelligent […]
The world’s most popular websites [1], according to the Alexa website are the following: Site Daily Time on Site (mins:secs) Daily Pageviews per Visitor 12.23 14.56 12:19 6.96 6:46 2.88 3:43 4.02 7:18 4.40 17:18 7.83 3:44 4.61 5:05 1.00 4:23 3.53 3:16 3.90 [1] […]
The W3C backed standard for passwordless authentication, commonly known as WebAuthn, has been worked on by experts from the likes of Microsoft, Google and Mozilla for several years. In early 2019 it was recommended as a standard and is being adopted by many organisations as a result. This article will take a deeper look at […]
6 Minute Read.Let us start with some brief definitions to get us all on the same page. Firstly – what is meant by the term “market failure”? A textbook description would be something that articulated the “inefficient distribution of goods and services in a free market”. But how do we decide whether the distribution is […]
Schools out for summer?  Well not quite.  Unless you’re living in the east coast of Australia, it’s looking decidedly bleak weather wise for most of Europe and the American east coast.  But I digress.  Is it looking bleak for your digital identity driven projects?  What’s been a success, where are we heading and what should […]
A Google search for “zero trust” returns ~ 195Million results.  Pretty sure some are not necessarily related to access management and cyber security, but a few probably are.  Zero Trust was a term coined by analyst group Forrester back in 2010 and has gained popularity since Google started using the concept with their employee management […]
Welcome to a digital identity project in 2020! You’ll be expected to have a plan for post-quantum cryptography.  Your network will be littered with “zero trust” buzz words, that will make you suspect everyone, everything and every transaction.  Add to that, “machines” will be learning everything, from how you like your coffee, through to every […]
2016 is drawing to an end, the goose is getting fat, the lights and decorations are adorning many a fire place and other such cold weather cliches.  However, the attention must turn back to identity management and what the future may or may not hold. Digital identity or consumer based identity and access management (CIAM) […]
This is the first in a series of blogs, that will start to look at some use cases for leveraging block chain technology in the world of identity and access management.  I don’t proclaim to be a BC expert and there are several blogs better equipped to tackle that subject, but a good introductory text […]
It’s that time of year again, when the retrospective and predictive blogs come out of the closet, just before the Christmas festivities begin.  This time last year, the 2015 predictions were an interesting selection of both consumer and enterprise challenges, with a focus on: Customer Identity Management The start of IoT security awareness Reduced Passwords on […]